

20 September 2012

Middle East people.

Hey Birunians,
a short story to share,
one of our beloved friends sudah selamat tiba di Jordon. :)
im pretty sure you'alls semua dah taw. hikhik :)

a Dentist to be, insyaallah :) 

so let us all pray for his health, studies and life in Jordon. 
first Birunians yang berjaya menjejakkan kaki ke negara orang lain :') so proud.

Him and Esha, United Soul people ;) *so proud. and not to forget , Adriana Aida who just left to Mesir doing medicine, Faiz Aqeel and i believe, our PKB, Molly, will be heading there too any time. :) 

take care, study well, and break a leg. 
do not ever forget us di Malaysia. 
WeLoveYou :)

*so proud he's actually wearing US t-shirt kat sana. haha. Biruni punye t-shirt tak bawak ke Faa ? ;) 

with love, 
Kiwi :)  Maryam Naqibah 
Asslm ,