Assalamualaikum, :) hey yeah people. how are you doing. japjap let me remind you.
17 more days!dan semestinya semua orng sedng sibuk mmbuat prsiapan masing2 trmasuk saya yg asyik tido di rumah . jd saya pun online bg menghilngkn mengantuk. kalian bole buka nie, ap yg saya belajar hari nie . (: hihi
so for the update,
1. We'll be facing SPM within
2 weeks :O of course pray for us. please
2. New t-shirt 5Abi tittle
Biruni Rangers! Yeah credit to Syahmi
3. Bola. i guess it's final.
Barcaruni doing great and everyone was involved
Class trip! mastermind which is hilman is in mc status:( poor him. so, hope that every single people of biruni can join yawww. i mean it. every single people

and i guess, there's nothing else. So, see yawww in 30th November 2011.
and of course we're gonna miss United Soul. and Biruni :( do your best, my friends. sincerely, Razin. Final, farewell