mid-term ohhh mid-term !
okie okie, baru bulan april, tapi bahang SPM dah boleh rasa! ouch! panas panas. seriusly, mmg struggle glegle ah utk score the best. kata pon dah from 5. mereng ape kalu buat dekk jek. night prep , used to be our 'playing' time thun lps. tp thun nih, sume dah mula amek serius and tiap kali prep jek, ade jek org gerak ke library wlupon sblum nih tak pnh pon masuk! and yg the rest plak stay in class study group or mseng2 uat hal mseng2 lah. pendek cite, sume dah mula study, semangat spm :D
result UP1 dah keluar, and rata-rata okie lah alhamdulillah. for biruni, keep it up. for others, keep it up as well. same-same bejuang for US eyy? heee :)
soo, takde pe nak ckp, kteorg dari kelas
biruni nak ucap kat sume warga
Soul the
veryvery best of luck for this midterm exam. selaras-SBP :) do the best, beat the rest! wohooo.
memandangkan dewan pon dah mula ade 4/5 buah kipas besar, atleast bersyukur lah and say thank you to our beloved teachers sbb sayang jgk kt kami sume, heh. poyo la plk.
make this year, OUR year, US year <3
Maryam a.k.a kiwi :)