23rd-25th dec '10, we had our first officially biruni class trip, and it was super duper
awesommeeeeee ! :D
the list of boys&girls who join this trip
azliza , fahrul
madieha, razin
maryam , akmal
nadira , hilman
atikah , ariff
mustaqim , amir
irham , yap
to those yg ta pgy, hrp-hrp blog ni dpt bawak korg same ke sunway lagoon, enjoy reading! :D
okiee mule dgn
diner at didi's , where the boys dtg dgn gaya smart and formal habis.
shirt with tie ? haha. cute en ? tuh sume hilman nye idea and fahrul. wow! thumbs up guys! ;)
well, for the girls, we serve them as feminine as we can, (lawak thp gaban) and gave them the best serve ever! kan guys ? haha. the food was awesome too, thanks to didi's family ,
and tgklaa. bdk laki sume glojoh mkn . haha. lapar ta igt dunia ;)
girls ;D
boys :Dand the next moning bru lah our real trip bmule. hee. to sunway lagoon ! hooray!
start from the amusement park all the way to wildlife and last but not least, the water park :)
hamper sume ride kteorg rembat cume satu due je yg ta smpat coz ksuntukan mase. haha.
the most
awesome ride was the
roller coster which kteorg naek smpai 3 kali =.=
and the
pirate revenge, some of us naek 3 kali jugak =.=
tomohawk 3 kali jugak =.=
hahahaaa. ade yg naek smpai pning ta bole jln. hee. akmal lah plg terok. haha. didi plak smpai tbaring atas kerusi, goshh. ;)
inilah muke muke kami yg glabah + + excited dkat sunway lagoon, ;D

dekat wildlife park was the kemuncak where kteorg sume da mule pnt. bt den enjoy ttp enjoy sbb bpeluang tgk binatang yg comel-comel blaka spt baboon, err, monyet eh korg ? yg terer lompat tuh ? and kucing. ngee. kucing tuh comel glee :)
around 1.30 sume grk surau utk solat and tukar bju tros for the next park, water park.
at first, yg pmpuan plan ta nak bsh bdn, bt den, bdk laki dah jirus air kt ktrog, hbs bsh lencun la deyy =.= dah alang-alang tuh, the girls pon ape lg, turut serta la brendam . haha.
from water park, kteorg naek blek to the amusement park, naek ride yg mlibtkn air pulak. and seriusly, syok hbs :D hilman kata at 5 sume dah kne tukar bju and balek, tp gumbira punye psl, kteorg hbs maen sume around 5.40. and last2, sume ta jd tukar bju sbb tade mase! so sume komplot naek blek, some of the amusement ride tuh, utk kci kering bju :D bijak ta bijak kami semua ?
so, conclusion nyee. kteorg sume blek dgn unproper pakaian, yg sgt memalukan kalu nk jln tgh2 sunway tuh. haha. tp ape ape pon, kteorg ttp enjoy ourselves . sume blek dgn hati yg gembira dan senyuman yg lebar :DD

mlm tuh plak, ade bbq kat umh hilman . kali nih laki plak serve pmpuan. :)
agak kcian la kt boys, girls dtg kul 9 pon mknn ta prepare lg ? haha. tape, kami maafkan.
mmg pnt gle lah blek from sunway, tpksa prepare bbq plak. mmgla pnt kan ?
soo, the food was awesome too, cume ade yg ta msk smpai azz, and irham saket perot! =.= haha. sosej, ayam, garlic bread, mushroom soup, and nasi goreng , by mus and amir. okie lah kan ? and smbel mkn, kteorg tgk horror movie,Quarantine,
satu rumah bising sbb jerit2 sume, and yg plg lawak mlm tuh,
RAZIN! haha. sbb tkot sgt tgk movie, mlm tuh die kene bahan hbs ;D haha. ajin,ajin. ;)
madie pon ta kurg, die je kot yg byk jerit. =.=
okiee. our trip so far end mlm tuh kt umh hilman, the next morning,
mseng2 balek umh. madie, mus and sesy naek bas balek perak. az, atik, akmal, and ariff blek ke kl sentral. yg len sume parents amek kt umh hilman.
im here wakil bdk biruni yg pgy trip nk ucapkan ribuan terima kasih to hilman and didi, sbb sudi tumpangkan rumah korg for sleepover. :) it was great, really ;)
and to the perakians and selangorians, who came, and jayakan this trip, thanks to you guys too. trip ni tkkn mnjadi and tkkn gmpak hbs without each and everyone of you. iloveyou guys ;)
this trip was totally superb incredible awesome ;)