juz a reminder to all ABI's who're going. here are some items listed that you need to bring ;
1) wisel btali
2) torchlight.
3) pakaian 3HARI 2MLM shj.
4)kasut sukan, if can, bring 2
5) alat tulis
6) yaasin
7)crocs btali
8)jarum + benang
9) socks :)
take note. its way waaay better to bring only ONE bag. so, for girls, i understand. to prevent frm taking all those 'important stuffs', marilah kte sme2 kongsi brg. haHA.
so to Azliza, Hamiza, Aqila, and so on. ingat plan kteorg ? hehe. masing2 sndri igt k ? ;) heee.
and for those who cant or unable to go camping, we wish u , errrr. a hapy weekend day. haha. atleast u guys have more time to study since the exam are right after the camping! which is on monday. so. have fun studying in school. and for us who're guing, no worries. hopefully we still cn score well in our cming exams. get good results. conclusion, study frm now lah. ngee :)
that's it. super duper goodluck for our exams. goshh. takottttt ;(