

31 July 2010

camp camp camp :D and exam ? huh

wohoooo ! jumaat depan, bbrp dak fom4 akn pgy camp! which is organized by the pencinta alam's club. haha. those who're going are all form4's. and from this, hopefully, we can build a strong friendship or 'ukhwah' between us. no more assabiah uh ? insyaallah. hehe

juz a reminder to all ABI's who're going. here are some items listed that you need to bring ;
1) wisel btali
2) torchlight.
3) pakaian 3HARI 2MLM shj.
4)kasut sukan, if can, bring 2
5) alat tulis
6) yaasin
7)crocs btali
8)jarum + benang
9) socks :)

take note. its way waaay better to bring only ONE bag. so, for girls, i understand. to prevent frm taking all those 'important stuffs', marilah kte sme2 kongsi brg. haHA.
so to Azliza, Hamiza, Aqila, and so on. ingat plan kteorg ? hehe. masing2 sndri igt k ? ;) heee.

and for those who cant or unable to go camping, we wish u , errrr. a hapy weekend day. haha. atleast u guys have more time to study since the exam are right after the camping! which is on monday. so. have fun studying in school. and for us who're guing, no worries. hopefully we still cn score well in our cming exams. get good results. conclusion, study frm now lah. ngee :)

that's it. super duper goodluck for our exams. goshh. takottttt ;(


30 July 2010


Hye, i'm Razin Ahmad Rahimi would like to share a story with my superb friends. Birunians;)

First of all, Razin nak ucapkan tahniah kpd yg brjaya dlm exam mid term hari tuyh. Yg tak brjaya SAMA2 kite cube lg!

Tahniah gak kpd yg memegang jawatan tinggi dlm ap2 pun aktiviti koko.

2nd. Ramai birunians yg join KEM anjuran Kelab Pencinta Alam. So have fun tp Razin tak pegi. Ade la sbb die:)

3rd. Ujian 2 bakal brlangsung 2 minggu dr sekarang. Minggu dpn study betul2 ye;)

4th. Happy birthday to Sesy. padan muke die basah lencun td:D

Tu je kot.
salam. Razin Ahmad Rahimi
*gambar hiasan, gangster of biruni
p/s: Harap anda suke touch-up yg Razin bwat kat blog nie;)

17 July 2010

Back To School !

OMG ! lagi beberapa jam kita semua akan balik ke SABDA tercinta . :D Kepada semua 4 Al-Biruni jgn lupe prepare untuk oral esok . Oral terbahagi kepada dua iaitu BM dan BI . Padan muka korang . HAHA !

Sultan pn telah merasmikan sekolah kita , dan nampaknya sekolah kita semakin dikenali ramai . && tournement boling tu aku tatau pn result sbb balik cpat . ehe .

Anyway , jgn lupe jalan pulang ke SABDA . SABDA dah memanggil manggil kite ni . menggigil dibuatnye . huaaa :( HAHA !

Presentation - bm
- bi
*wajib buat

Kepada RAZIN AHMAD RAHIMI semoga anda segera sembuh dan pulang lah ke pangkuan kami secepat yang mngkin xD .


16 July 2010

come back home !

Razin Ahmad Rahimi.
"cpt sembuh weyyy. kteorg rndu kaooo !"

akher2 nih, pyakit dmm pns tlh mrebak ke sluruh warga SABDA. hmper stiap hari ade je org ulang alik pgy klinik sbb dmam lah, pning kpale lah dn swktu dgnnya. dlm kls 4aBi pon, rmai kot yg dmam. ehem2. mula2 razin, jannah, mizah ? nadirah, madie, ariff. gleeeeeee lah. kalu yg ta dmam pon, ade je simptom2 nye. selsema lah, batok lah, pning kpale lah. adushhh.

sekarang nih, razin sakit. alhmdulillah, dgr cte, die da blek umh ek. satu minggu kot ta dtg skola. b4 ni pon, dlm kls layu je. igtkn ngntok. rupe2nye dlm diam sakit. hari ahad ke isnin, rzin pgy hosp and kene tahan kat wad. mse tuh, mmg satu kls shocked lah. tbe2 je msuk wad. and yg plg sedeh, kene suspect dengue fever ;( skrg nih, aku tataw la ape cer. dgr cte da blek, hopefully da sehat lah.

get well soon weh, ABI wants you back.
naek skola cuti 3hari nih, nk tgk kao ade kt tmpt ko mse prep mlm.
okieeeeee ? :)

* wink. dlm pd tu jgk, kteorg, farol, pedot, and aku maryam akn pgy maen boling sbtu nih. gahah. lwk pon ade gak. lwn antra skola. so, doakan yg tbaek la eh. heeee. :DD
